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They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.

Age 36, Male

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Stupid Movie Theatre People

Posted by TacticalShoe - February 11th, 2008

So, I recently went to see There Will Be Blood (GREAT movie, BTW). But as good as this movie was, stupid people ruined it for me and further strengthed my hatred.

Anyways, I came into the movie theater a little bit after a friend of mine who was seeing the movie too because I had to use the bathroom. I sat down one seat over from my friend because I like to have some room when I watch movies. Well, about 1 minute after I sat down, an older couple came in and sat down about 2 seats away from me. Now, the first thing I noticed is that they had a bag of popcorn with them. Not movie theater popcorn, but home popped popcorn (judging from the bag, at least). I don't mind people eating during movies, although it does annoy me that that people can't seem to go for a couple of hours without eating. Whatever.

So, this woman starts eating the popcorn, but the most annoying thing was the bag. Every time she reached into it, all I heard was KRINKLE KRINKLE. For 10 minutes she did this. I thought I was gonna have to get up and stab her. I couldn't move because the movie had started and I was boxed in for about 10 feet on all sides. So I had to deal with popcorn lady.

Then, about 5 minutes later (about 15 minutes into the movie, mind you), two more people come in and walk RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. They were apparently with the popcorn lady and her husband. They asked if the other two had saved seats for them, but because I was there, they couldn't sit down. So those two had to walk back a little and sit down. People, listen to me, if you're gonna see a movie, THEN SHOW UP ON TIME. Jesus, that shit is rude.

Well, after the other two, TWO MORE PEOPLE come in and sit down. This is roughly 20 minutes into the film, so this really pissed me off. These people, however, couldn't sit down anywhere else, so they had to ask me to move over DURING THE FILM so they could sit down. I moved, grudgingly, and let them sit down. And as if this wasn't enough they started friggin' talking during the movie.

Now, I used to do this when I was younger, but that was when I was like, 12. So you can understand my anger. I hate it when a movie as good as There Will Be Blood gets interrupted by retards who can't shut up.

So, that's my story. I hate people. My hatred for them causes me to hate going to the movies in return, so I hate them more for that.


We should go all vtech 2.00 on them all.

The only enjoyable way to watch a movie is to either to the theater at its earliest showing times or to go to a movie on the very last day it plays, lol.


This doesn't pertain to your news post, but I just wanted to tell you.

I love your sig.

I'm not an anime fan at all, but my friend made me watch 'Desert Punk' once, and I ended up finishing the entire series. Very funny show.

Isn't it?

Except for the lame seriousness at the end.

I know what you mean...
sometimes I go see a movie to relax and to entertain myself... but most of the time I just can't...

at least your lucky you didn't get those highschool stupid kiddies kicking on the back of your seat... laughing like r-tards, throwing fucking candies at each other or sometimes at random people in the theater (they sure know how to have fun, don't they) and saying fucking stupid things.

but your right... there are a lot of fags at movie theaters and you named a couple type of em...

I approove you

I can't believe they asked you to MOVE! XD